Research Highlight
KSJ research group aims to develop and characterize novel functional materials.
We synthesize novel materials and measure optical, electrical, magnetic, and chemical properties using various methods. Performing both synthesis and characterization enables us to clearly understand the underlying photophysical and photochemical phenomena. Also, we fabricate QLED and infrared photodetectors.
i) Steady-state intraband and interband transitions of Quantum Dots
ii) QLED and IR QD Photodetector
iii) Quantum Plasmon Resonance of Nanocrystals
iv) Infrared lasing nanomaterials
우리는 반도체 나노입자 및 적외선 물질 연구자입니다.
적외선 QD 양자점/적외선 레이저/적외선 디텍터 I및 QD LED 연구에 관심있는 대학원생과 실험물리화학/소재합성/광전자센서소자 전공한 Post-doc fellow 를 모집 중입니다.(2025.1)
Available position(2025년 2학기)
: + 대학원생 + 학부연구생 + 박사후연구원
+ 테크니션(석사학위이상)
We have open positions for passionate graduate students, technicians, and postdocs with backgrounds in chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, material science, and electrical engineering.
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